Paper from Jinwoo's group on Point-Defect Complexes published in PRX!!

Jared and Jinwoo reported the first direct microscopic observation of an unusual formation of point defect complexes within the atomic-scale structure of β-Ga2O3 using high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). These observed divacancy-interstitial complexes correlate directly with structures obtained by density functional theory (Varley J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 334212 (9pp)) calculated by Joel Varley from Van de Walle group, who also predicted them to be compensating acceptors in β-Ga2O3. This prediction is confirmed by a comparison between STEM data and deep level optical spectroscopy results measured by the Ringel group, which reveals that these complexes correspond to a deep trap within the band gap, and that the development of the complexes is facilitated by Sn doping through increased vacancy concentration. These findings provide new insight on this emerging material’s unique response to the incorporation of impurities that can critically influence their properties.
For a generic description of the work, please refer to the news report through the link below:
Ohio State News - Scientists see defects in potential new semiconductor